Marital Dissolution Agreement Definition

          Marital Dissolution Agreement Definition: Understanding the Basics

          A marital dissolution agreement, also known as a divorce settlement agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a divorce. This document is a written agreement between both parties and typically includes provisions related to property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support. In this article, we will discuss the basics of a marital dissolution agreement definition so you can understand what it entails.

          Understanding the Purpose of a Marital Dissolution Agreement

          The primary purpose of a marital dissolution agreement is to establish the terms of the divorce settlement. This agreement must be signed by both parties to show their agreement to the terms outlined in the document. Once the agreement is finalized, it becomes a legally binding document and is often incorporated into a final divorce decree.

          What Does a Marital Dissolution Agreement Include?

          A marital dissolution agreement is a comprehensive document that outlines the terms of the divorce settlement. Some of the key provisions that are typically included in the agreement are:

          1. Property Division: This section outlines how the marital property will be divided between the parties. This can include real estate, personal property, investments, and any other assets.

          2. Spousal Support: This section outlines the terms of any spousal support payments. It will typically include how much is to be paid, how often it is to be paid, and for how long.

          3. Child Custody: This section outlines how custody of any children will be shared between the parties. It will include details such as where the children will live, who will make decisions about their education and healthcare, and how much parenting time each parent will have.

          4. Child Support: This section outlines how much child support is to be paid by one party to the other. It may also include how the payments are to be made and when they are to be made.

          Benefits of a Marital Dissolution Agreement

          There are several benefits of having a marital dissolution agreement. Some of the key benefits include:

          1. Clear and Defined Settlement: A marital dissolution agreement provides both parties with a clear and defined settlement that they can refer to if there are any disputes in the future.

          2. Cost-Effective: Negotiating a settlement through a marital dissolution agreement can be a cost-effective alternative to going to court.

          3. Time-Saving: By reaching a settlement through a marital dissolution agreement, both parties can save time and avoid lengthy court proceedings.


          In conclusion, a marital dissolution agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of a divorce settlement. It includes provisions related to property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support. Having a marital dissolution agreement can provide both parties with a clear and defined settlement and can be a cost-effective and time-saving alternative to going to court.