Shrink Wrap Contracts

          Shrink Wrap Contracts: Are They Enforceable?

          Shrink wrap contracts have become quite popular in recent times. A shrink wrap contract is a contract that is prepared and wrapped in plastic before it is sold. It is typically used for software and other digital products, and it contains terms and conditions that are binding for the purchaser.

          The rise of e-commerce has made shrink wrap contracts a go-to option for companies looking to protect their interests. However, the question remains: are shrink wrap contracts enforceable under the law?

          The answer is yes. Shrink wrap contracts are generally enforceable if they meet certain criteria. The terms of the contract must be clear and unambiguous, and the purchaser must have had a reasonable opportunity to review the terms before agreeing to them.

          The enforceability of shrink wrap contracts has been established in various legal cases. In ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg, a court ruled that a shrink wrap agreement was enforceable because the purchaser had the opportunity to review the terms before using the software. The court noted that the purchaser could return the product if they did not agree with the terms.

          However, there are limitations to the enforceability of shrink wrap contracts. For example, if the terms are hidden or buried within the product packaging, they may not be enforceable. Additionally, if the terms are overly restrictive or unfair, a court may not enforce them.

          It is important for businesses to ensure that their shrink wrap contracts are drafted in a way that is clear, unambiguous, and fair. It is also crucial to ensure that the purchaser has a reasonable opportunity to review and accept the terms before using the product.

          In conclusion, shrink wrap contracts are enforceable under the law if they meet certain criteria. While they can be a useful tool for businesses looking to protect their interests, it is important to ensure that they are drafted in a fair and transparent manner. By doing so, businesses can avoid legal issues and ensure that their contracts are enforceable in court.